Bridget Brehen's Fundraiser

Donate today to support long-haul internationalism!
Join me today and your gift will be matched, dollar for dollar!
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Support NISGUA and internationalism rooted in relationship
Hello beloved community!
Thank you for all you have done over the years to support Guatemalan social movements through accompaniment, activism and support for NISGUA. If you haven’t already heard, I’ve joined another fabulous internationalist organization called Grassroots Global Justice, as their Director of Resource Mobilization. See my PS below for a peek at what I'm up to these days!
Naturally I’m still part of the NISGUA fam, I still believe in the power of NISGUA’s model of long-haul internationalism rooted in relationship, and I am here for NISGUA’s May Match campaign! Life after NISGUA still has me all in for this organization that stays agile and focused on transnational organizing. In this time of vaccine apartheid, false neoliberal solutions, and urgent material need, I trust NISGUA to keep me connected the analysis and demands of Guatemalan social movements.
We've kicked off our matching donation campaign and it is off to a great start! Each dollar given to NISGUA between now and May 31st will be DOUBLED. Can you give generously to support my race to $2,000 and make a bold statement about our collective commitment to internationalism? You can donate on my fundraising page and whatever you donate will be matched! https://nisgua.networkforgood.com/projects/131959-bridget-brehen-s-fundraiser
If you want to show up for international solidarity, now is the best time to support this work. NISGUA is small and mighty, doing big work on a small budget. By donating, you not only have your donation matched, you are also contributing to NISGUA’s biggest financial support for the year -- May match raises more than a third of the annual budget, a budget that is 90% funded by individual contributions. I've personally committed to raising $2,000 to help NISGUA reach their $40K goal. Can you join me?
Internationalism forever!
What will your gift support?
- International accompaniment - We are excited to continue expanding our accompaniment program. Currently, during the pandemic, we have adjusted to a remote accompaniment model. Read more about our year of remote accompaniment here.
- Cross-border organizing - NISGUA facilitates exchange between movements in the U.S. and Guatemala through virtual meetings, webinars, speaking tours, and delegations. Read about our most recent delegation here, or watch the latest webinar, here.
- Campaign development - In order to bring about long-term change, we know that educating our base and speaking truth to power is crucial. Read about our latest campaign win to suspend the Asylum Cooperative Agreements, and take action in the continued campaign to end title-42 expulsions and all deportations.
- Relationship-building with Guatemalan partners - Staff and volunteers maintain regular contact with our Guatemalan counterparts who are fighting for justice and defending their territories. What we learn from our partners informs every other strategy we employ. Learn more here.
Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala, and every gift made, up to $40,000 will be matched, dollar-for-dollar! Thank you!
PS: If you want a taste of what I'm up to at GGJ, check out this 2-minute video the Berta Cáceres International Feminist Organizing School!
The school is led by the Guatemalan feminist powerhouse Sandra Morán
and catalyzes grassroot organizing power globally. It is one of many
projects I move resources towards but it is also close to my heart
because of how Sandra, Indigenous Environmental Network, and so many
others are creating new internationalist feminist theory.