Ruby Tedeschi

Ruby Tedeschi's Fundraiser

Join me by giving to NISGUA today! image

Join me by giving to NISGUA today!

We can enhance accompaniment opportunities and build our network of social change activists

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$1,940 towards $2,500

By making a gift today, you'll ensure the sustainability of NISGUA's work to continue cultivating long-term, transnational relationships grounded in a shared vision for global change.This is a crucial moment and every dollar counts. Between May 15 and May 31, 2020, all donations received up to $50,000 will be matched dollar for dollar!

Hello friends, family and comrades!

If you find yourself here we may have spent time together in various walks of life. You may be here because you care about me, about the human rights movement taking place in Guatemala (and other countries as well), or because you are a person who is always looking for a way to support justice and peace in this world.


I understand the complexity of the time in which I am asking you to join my fundraising team. There are so many different organizations and causes to which you could donate your money, and there is so much need in the time of COVID-19. However, I am still compelled to ask for donations to NISGUA.


As a internacionalista for NISGUA's Guatemala Accompaniment Program, I have learned about the importance of transnational solidarity. Through long-term work for change NISGUA has formed many relationships with people and organizations in Guatemala and across borders. These relationships, based in mutuality and community, form a network that stretches across the globe! So I believe in fundraising so that NISGUA can maintain in these relationships and continue to participate in the global struggle for justice, human dignity, and respect for the Earth.


I am compelled to ask people to donate to NISGUA because the Guatemalan government has responded to COVID-19 with increased militarization. The Guatemalan government also classified resource extraction, such as mines and dams, as “essential,” thereby enabling unwanted mega-projects to move forward while communities in resistance are criminalized for mobilizing themselves due to the quarantine measures. A specific example is an illegal push by Pan American Silver to reopen the Escobal Mine, a mine shut down by the Xinca Resistance to the Escobal Mine. NISGUA forms part of the network that has supported this resistance movement. To learn more about the way that COVID-19 is impacting Guatemala, watch this webinar hosted by NISGUA and Asociación Pop No’j last month.


In addition to the impact of the Guatemalan government's response to COVID-19, it is important to recognize the role the US government has had and continues to have in marginalizing Guatemala, and specifically Indigenous and Campesino communities within Guatemala. Click here to read more about this history. The US continues to do this by signing the Asylum Cooperative Agreement (also known as the "safe third country agreement") with Guatemala. Under this agreement, we have responded to the COVID-19 crisis by deporting migrants from detention centers in the US to Guatemala. Upon arrival, 75% of people deported from the United States to Guatemala have tested positive for COVID-19. Not only is it clear that the US is literally shipping COVID-19 to Guatemala (and other countries), but this speaks to the horrendous conditions of detention centers in the US.


Finally, I am asking you to join my fundraising team because of the importance of grassroots fundraising in moving away from the non-profit industrial complex. Read more about this here.


These are the reasons that I am asking you to join my fundraising team. NISGUA is a part of a global network that is working to place human rights at the forefront of every decision. So please join me, donate to this page, and pass the word on to other people who care about human rights, human dignity, fighting our current administrations approach to migration, and standing in solidarity against the corporations that are violating human rights in Guatemala.


Every donation you make between now and the end of May will be matched! So if you donate $25 dollars, you are actually donating $50. So it is true, every dollar counts, twice! My goal is $2500, please help me reach it!

Please reach out if you have any questions or want to get more involved!
Love and hugs to you all!


To learn a little more about NISGUA's partners, watch this video below!