Ruby Tedeschi

Ruby Tedeschi's Fundraiser

Support Historical Movements for Human Dignity and the Earth in Guatemala image

Support Historical Movements for Human Dignity and the Earth in Guatemala

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$1,760 towards $2,000

I am currently an Internacionalista volunteer for NISGUA. Through NISGUA I have had the honor of standing in solidarity with historical indigenous lead movements in Guatemala.

Something that strikes me about the movement for human dignity and the earth here is the deep history. The intention in the work here has created a powerful movement and it is humbling to be able to stand in solidarity by way of NISGUA, which has cultivated so many meaningful relationships over the past 40 years. I am struck by the deep trust that exists between NISGUA and our partners.

Currently, NISGUA's partners are fighting against corrupt systems that have stood in the way of justice and accountability for the genocide against the indigenous people of Guatemala for over 40 years. Read more about ongoing transitional justice cases here. Our partners are also actively resisting megaprojects such as the Escobal mine and the Xalala damn. You can read more updates about these movements here. Land and Water defenders all over the world face extreme criminalization and persecution for defending their ancestral territories, in Guatemala, it is no different.

Our partners here in Guatemala demonstrate the incredible power of collective action. Please support NISGUA in continuing to stand in solidarity.

Thank you,
